The government’s long standing, top extreme bushfire scientist was Professor Kevin Tolhurst. Tragically, he ‘died suddenly’ on 5 October 2023. In our opinion, he was the only person remotely able to defend the government against our experts, Mr Packham and Mr Cheney. His ‘sudden death’ occurred just after he agreed with our “…informed and science based…” advocacy for the mitigation of extreme bushfires in Australia. His final public statement destroyed his political and legal value to his ‘paymasters’, with him admitting the government had been negligent about extreme bushfire fuels:
“In an extraordinary sequence of events, during a bushfire preparedness meeting, he had just delivered a groundbreaking confirmation of the government’s fire mitigation negligence. He told that burnt out rural town’s meeting: ‘… if appropriate fuel reduction had been applied prior to the 2019/20 Black Summer Bushfires, Mallacoota would not have burned’…we believe Australian governments top extreme bushfire expert had bravely and unconditionally joined our cause” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Epilogue Professor Tolhurst’s ‘sudden death’, page 178 and The government’s crocodile tears and denial, broken, page 179).